Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit

Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit

Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit

Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit

Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit

We are a grouping of 15 Methodist Church fellowships, including one Zimbabwean fellowship, in the south east corner of Essex. Our circuit also incorporates 'Westerley', a Christian care home.

Our churches provide traditional services alongside an increasing number of contemporary and family-friendly expressions of worship.

We have a growing sense of service and mission to our communities, with a desire to love our Lord, and our neighbours.

Our Mission

Through prayer and worship; the reading and study of the Bible; mutual support and fellowship; we seek God's empowering through the Holy Spirit to be His missionary people.

We seek in Christian love and service, to reach out to communities in which we are planted, and live the Good News of Jesus Christ.

'Through our lives and by our prayers – Your Kingdom come'

What is Methodism?

John and Charles Wesley, the founders of Methodism, were born in the 18th century in Lincolnshire.

On May 24th 1738 (Aldersgate Day), John's heart was strangely warmed. He felt that God did love him, and had died for him to save him and the whole world. Following this, John rode on horseback throughout Britain preaching the Gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ. He successfully re-Christianized much of the population and transformed the morals of society.

Charles Wesley was known as 'the sweet singer of Methodism' and wrote over 6000 hymns, including And Can It Be, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.

The Methodist Church is a denomination of Protestantism and has 80 million adherents worldwide.

The Methodist Church led the way on social reform during the 18th century, championing rights for the disenfranchised and poor, and supporting the abolition of slavery.

The Wesley brothers set up throughout Britain and Ireland small Christian groups focused on discipleship and care, and they were led by lay (unordained) preachers.

The Methodists teach that anybody can know the love of God, can have an assurance of salvation, and can be reformed in character.

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Registered Charity No. 1134248

Get In Touch

Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit
Highlands Methodist Church,

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© 2025 – Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit
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Southend & Leigh
Methodist Circuit